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February 3, 2020

BKDS EMPIRE 2020_overall theme-01

The BKDS 2020 Theme was released on Friday 17th January 2020. This year it is “LET YOUR GOD SAVE YOU”.  According to Bennardo Santos (founder and CEO of BKDS), we are living in desperate times where your human efforts are not enough to live a secure life; maintain a conducive environment for growth and success, and to ensure that you reach your destiny.

Live a secure Life

Death is prevalent now more than ever. Instead of people being secured there is a lot of fear for one’s life, family and loved ones, and asset security. In 2019, the world spent over $ 124 billion on security. Being on the second level in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, it is a concern seeing that for one to feel safe is almost a physiological need.

However, how many of us can afford it? This condition proves that we need to find spiritual help if we are to continue living in safety.

Maintaining a conducive environment for growth and success

In order for you to reach your goals, you need to be in an environment that allows you to plan and execute your goals. Without this environment, you will come short of achieving your plans. For some, this environment is none existent! Therefore they either had to or have to create it or forget about ever-growing or succeeding. Whilst others spend their entire life building it, and never see it come to pass. Few are those born in the growth and success conducive environment.

For those whose conducive environment exists, sometimes it is constantly being fought or opposed by external forces and entities to the point that the environment they live in becomes useless (even though it exists). How do you overcome this? By going into an environment that is already created and available (for those who do not have one) once you believe it and an environment that cannot be destroyed, harmed or influenced by external forces (for those who have one which is being opposed).

Reach your destiny

When these two conditions are met, it is the only way you can reach your destiny. However, do you know what is your destiny? It is only Jesus who can reveal it to you. Going on what people say or do will only get you off track.

Find out what your destiny is and how and what steps you need to take in order to achieve it.

Therefore you really need your God to save you! Human strength is not enough. Human intellectual is not enough. Human security, human advice, human experience is not enough. So if you do not have a God, get one. For you will surely need one. What’s coming is unbearable except with your God.

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